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Wanna Bet They Both Lived in a Trailer Park March 25, 2006

Posted by briney in Trailer Park Trash.
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A fight between two motel maids, armed with a plunger and a mop, ended with one in hospital and the other in jail.

The women accused each other of taking toilet rolls from each other’s cleaning carts at a motel in Charleston, South Carolina.

Police were called after the fight left one of the women, 52, with a welt requiring hospital treatment, reports the Post and Courier.

The other maid, Deloris Smith, 47, told police she was defending herself from a woman wielding a plunger.

She was charged with assault.

Robbers hold up cashless bank March 25, 2006

Posted by briney in Bank Robbers.

Two masked robbers tried to hold up a cashless credit union bank at gunpoint in California.

They burst into the ‘bank’ at Benicia with weapons drawn and shouted at employees to hand over the money, reports the San Francisco Chronicle.

“I would say that apparently they weren’t really prepared,” said Benicia police Capt. Steve Mortensen.

The robbers apparently had no idea they’d attempted to rob a credit union that immediately deposits its money, making it impossible for anyone to access it, he said.

“It’s a common theme among a lot of credit unions.”

Free Sex Sessions? March 25, 2006

Posted by briney in European Union, School Crime.
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Schoolboys stole to fund red light trips.

A gang of Austrian schoolboys stole £18,000 worth of valuables to finance after school visits to prostitutes.

The four boys, aged 14 to 15 and unnamed for legal reasons, took laptops, mobile phones and wallets from teachers and other children at their school in Graz.

They then took their loot to the local red light district and handed it over to prostitutes in return for free sex sessions.

According to a Graz police spokesman, the boys were caught after an investigation into increased local school crime.

Since when is payment of £18,000 classified as “free?”